LEXsample :: photography tips for Antarctica

Tips for taking landscape photographs

A tripod and a long exposure time change the rolling sea into a veil.
A tripod and a long exposure time change the rolling sea into a veil.

Panorama photosgraphs

Using a level tripod you can take panorma pictures by shifting horizontally a little bit each time. There are a few points to bear in mind: Depending on how professional you want the result to look like, you can simply glue the photographs one after the other in a scrap book, but digital photographs can be 'stitched' together using software designed to do just this. This type of software is often provided with the camera, but you can also try stand-alone products.

If you want to take panorama photography seriously, you may want to consider getting a specialized panorama camera that uses normal (35mm) film, but using multiple exposures at once. I have not heard of digital panorama cameras yet, but I would not be surprised to find they are already on the market.

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