
Great Spotted Woodpeckers

On my way to work I cycled past this woodpecker's nest every day. As the young grew older, I have spent a couple of hours observing this nest from behind the bushes. Even though the young was calling out loud for food, the noise went remarkably unnoticed by most other people heading to their work.

The Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) young keeping an eye on what's going on around the nest.

It appears there is only one parent: this is the male bringing in food.

It impossible to observe if there is only one young woodpecker in the nest, or more. If there are more, they all look the same.

Feeding intervals are about 15 minutes, sometimes even longer. Had there been two parents to feed the chick(s), growing up would gone a bit faster.

© LEXsample 2006