
Storks in the Amsterdam Vondelpark, August 2007 (II)

Every day the young increase the amount of exercises in flight and balancing. By now their primaries and secondaries are full grown, they're ready for it.

One of the parents takes off the nest; on the ground a meal awaits him.

The parent bird lands in the park amongst herons, ducks, magpies, dogs and their owners.

A lamppost is a good and safe viewpoint for the parents. Mind the round eyes that can view in almost all directions and allow stereoscopic view, which is a good thing if you're hunting frogs and such.

The mandible contains an elastic 'bag' which is clear to see on this picture.

The legs are equipped with sturdy nails, handy if you need to scratch your chin.

A heron on his preferred spot. Every once in a while he (she?) manages to get a bit of the food too, but more commonly the stoks will chase the heron away.

The three young waiting on their nest.

Here the trio finds themselves in an evening sun.

At the end of the evening the sun colours the sky purple. Even before the parent has landed, the young adapt their begging posture.

By touching, from a low angle, their parent's bill the young encourage the parent to regurgitate food.

The parent drops the food in the middle of the nest, where the three young storks dispute who gets what.

The three are persistent and ask for more food.

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